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As Meta expands its prebunking efforts, Google has jumped on the bandwagon with new prebunk ads in Germany.

Google’s “prebunking” test efforts in countries like Poland apparently showed "promising results" and now the company is expanding its efforts to target photos and videos in Germany and India, according to the Associated Press (AP). AP claimed that prebunking so-called misinformation is more effective than direct censorship or fact checks because censorship is naturally slammed and fact checkers are understandably distrusted now.

Google will reportedly expand prebunking through instructive ads, which supposedly made people less likely to believe alleged “misinformation” in a test pilot. The project launches Feb. 13 for Germany and is reportedly in development for India. 

Google’s German “prebunk” video ads will play on Facebook, YouTube and Chinese Communist-tied TikTok. Big Tech censors certainly stick together.

AP noted that the George Soros-funded Poynter Institute already praised Google’s efforts. Poynter Institute’s MediaWise director Alex Mahadevan enthused about Google’s project, “This is a good news story in what has essentially been a bad news business when it comes to misinformation.” Mahadevan called prebunking a “pretty efficient way to address misinformation at scale.” Radical leftist billionaire Soros’s Open Society Foundations gave Poynter’s International Fact Checking Network $492,000 between 2016 and 2020, as MRC Business noted in its Jan. 2023 report: George Soros: Propaganda Powerhouse.

AP’s list of topics that might trigger the spread of  “misinformation” shows both the outlet and Google’s leftist bias: “COVID-19, mass shootings, immigration, climate change or elections.” MRC found Big Tech censorship helped steal the 2020 U.S. election.

Users don’t trust social media censors anymore for good reason.

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AP also pointed out that Sander van der Linden, the same Cambridge professor who is helping Meta “prebunk” on Facebook and Instagram, helped develop Google's prebunk effort. Van der Linden compared “misinformation” to a virus against which herd immunity has to be achieved. “You can think of misinformation as a virus. It spreads. It lingers. It can make people act in certain ways," he said to AP. "Some people develop symptoms, some do not. So: if it spreads and acts like a virus, then maybe we can figure out how to inoculate people.”

Picking up on that theme, AP compared “prebunking” to a vaccine that needs periodic boosters. “The effects of the videos eventually wears [sic] off, requiring the use of periodic ‘booster’ videos,” AP alleged. “And like a vaccine, it's not 100% effective for everyone.” 

Germany also recently put pressure on Twitter owner Elon Musk to censor more.

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