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The Orwellian Disinformation Governance Board was paused but not disbanded, and two advisors and one former board member are hardly qualified to be the arbiters of truth. It turns out that the christened disinformation board elitists spread false information in the past.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) oversees the Disinformation Governance Board (DGB).  With the censorship board paused, DHS put out another bulletin June 7, saying it “remains focused on disinformation that threatens the security of the American people, including disinformation.”  DGB advisors Michael Chertoff and Jamie Gorelick, and former DGB head Nina Jankowicz made false statements in the past. 

How can individuals who made false statements on important issues be expected to determine “disinformation” objectively and accurately?  

Here are three examples of the DGB cabal pushing false information:

  1. Nina Jankowicz pushed false information multiple times over the years. Jankowicz resigned as head of the Disinformation Governance Board, but her multiple instances of spreading false information are illustrative of the board members’ hypocritical stance. In October 2020, Jankowicz tweeted that the Hunter Biden laptop scandal was a “Russian influence op.” The emails — first discovered by the New York Post were later confirmed by The New York Times. “Back on the ‘laptop from hell,’ apparently- Biden notes 50 former natsec officials and 5 former CIA heads that believe the laptop is a Russian influence op,” Jankowicz tweeted. The self-styled “Mary Poppins of disinformation” is also on record spreading false Trump-Russia collusion talking points, from the debunked Alfa Bank narrative in 2016 to lauding a speech that parroted the debunked Steele Dossier.


  1. Michael Chertoff falsely claimed the Hunter Biden laptop was a Russian operation. Former Homeland Security secretary Chertoff spread false information about the Hunter Biden laptop scandal when he claimed the New York Post story was a Russian operation. He added that “human intelligence sources” (i.e., Russian spies) probably obtained Hunter’s emails, according to The Washington Free Beacon. The Homeland Security Advisory Council was also asked to advise the DGB, according to The Washington Free Beacon. Two members of the Homeland Security Advisory Council, former CIA Director Leon Panetta and former California Congresswoman and Wilson Center President Emerita Jane Harman (D), also spread the Russian operation disinformation about the laptop, the Free Beacon reported.


  1. Jamie Gorelick pushed false information after she “was exposed” for her involvement in “the wall” blocking intelligence sharing prior to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. A hearing before the 9/11 Commission investigating the circumstances leading to the infamous terrorist attacks found that “The Wall” blocking the sharing of information between intelligence and criminal investigation committees contributed to the terrorist attacks, according to National Review. The former deputy attorney general during the Clinton administration, Gorelick was specifically cited by The Heritage Foundation as being responsible for supporting the implementation of the infamous wall of separation between various intelligence agencies. A now-declassified directive from Gorelick was called, “Instructions on Separation of Certain Foreign Counterintelligence and Criminal Investigations.” The directive set forth instructions “that will clearly separate the counterintelligence investigation” from the criminal investigations. Gorelick used the words “‘walled off’” in the directive to describe her instructions. The Justice Department released documentation revealing Gorelick’s involvement following a request from Sens. John Cornyn (R-TX) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC). 

Following George W. Bush Administration Attorney General John Ashcroft’s testimony before the 9/11 Commission “expos[ing Gorelick] as responsible,” Gorelick wrote a piece for The Washington Post defending herself and claiming both that she did not create “the wall,” and that she allowed an even freer flow of information between the intelligence and criminal investigation communities. Her opinion piece for The Post contradicted Ashcroft’s testimony. 

Ashcroft reportedly stated that “the Justice Department’s surveillance and FISA operations were specifically criticized for their glaring weaknesses. It is clear from the review that actions taken in the Millennium Period should not be the operating model for the U.S. government.”

MRC Free Speech America previously uncovered how DGB co-chair Jennifer Daskal and DGB advisor Chertoff had ties to leftist billionaires George Soros and Bill Gates. Just like George Orwell’s “Ministry of Truth,” the Biden administration’s Disinformation Governance Board is full of hypocrites who claim to be experts on stopping disinformation, even though they spread false information themselves. Orwell is undoubtedly thrashing in his grave.

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