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Congressman Ken Buck (R-CO) pulled no punches when he demolished Google for enabling Chinese tyranny. 

During a Congressional Antitrust Hearing hearing, Buck brought the hammer down on Google CEO Sundar Pichai for his company’s ties to China. Buck commented on how Google removed itself from the bidding process to work with the American military, but continued to work with China. 

He remarked that “Google’s stated reason for removing itself from the bidding process is that the U.S. military’s project [JEDI] did not align with Google’s corporate values and principles.” By contrast, he explained how U.S. Marine General Joseph Dunford Jr. warned that China was “directly benefiting from Google’s work.”

Buck said that this made him “wonder what values Google and communist red China have in common.” He asked himself: “Is it that the Chinese Communist party imprisons Uighur Muslims in concentration camps,” or “could it be that China forces slaves to work in sweatshops?” 

Perhaps more relevant to Big Tech tactics, he asked if Google’s views “align on the design to suppress free speech in Hong Kong,” or the “CCP’s decision to lie to the world about the COVID-19 pandemic.” He then mentioned Google’s embarrassing involvement with Project Dragonfly, a search engine that was being developed for the communist Chinese regime “to spy on its own people and enforce draconian security laws.”

Buck used his Twitter page to retweet footage from the hearing and summarized his questions:

“If Google wants to cozy up to Communist China, Mr. Pichai must answer for the atrocities committed by the CCP. 

“Do they agree with CCP suppression of free speech in Hong Kong? 

“Or the imprisonment [sic] Uighur Muslims? 

“What about China’s use of slave labor?”

Indeed, this comes at a time when the overwhelming majority of Americans from across the political spectrum are skeptical over Big Tech’s unchecked power, a Pew Research Center study found. “Overall, 72% of U.S. adults say social media companies have too much power and influence in politics today, according to the June 16-22 survey,” Pew’s FactTank observed July 22. In addition, about half of Americans surveyed also believe the government should do more to regulate Big Tech companies whose power appears to be unchecked.

Conservatives are under attack. Give the House Committee on the Judiciary’s Antitrust, Commercial, and Administrative Law Subcommittee a call at 202-225-3951 and demand that Big Tech be held accountable. If you have been censored, contact us at the Media Research Center contact form.