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Pro-life groups are rallying together against liberal censorship on Pinterest, an online scrapbooking site. 

After the pro-life group LiveAction was censored by Pinterest, allied pro-life groups have rallied to load the platform with the group’s content. 

Pinterest was exposed in early June for blacklisting pro-life content from LiveAction, falsely banning it as “pornography” and making conservative content in general harder to access. Project Veritas had an exposé featuring a whistleblower who confirmed concerns of anti-conservative bias at the company and explained how the firm meddled with the free flow of information.

Since then, groups such as Students for Life and Susan B. Anthony List have stepped up to defend their cause online. 

The Resurgent broke the news June 19 that “rather than abandoning their own platforms in solidarity” which might be seen as counterproductive, “these groups will continue posting their life-affirming content while giving Live Action updates as well.” The Resurgent later added “it forces the hand of left-wing Big Tech.”

Rather than boycotting the platform because they are against censorship, allied groups are instead rallying to share the censored content across the platform. This will either force Pinterest to allow pro-life content or reveal itself as brazenly anti-conservative.

Pro-life group Susan B. Anthony List tweeted a challenge to Pinterest, saying “if you ban one of us you’ll have to ban all of us.”


The organization continued, saying “we are joining @StudentsforLife and will post @LiveAction content and ensure we link through to their informative, fact-based website which you classified as ‘porn.’ #LifeCensored #UnPinPinterest.”

This was a retweet of a Students for Life tweet saying:

“In response to @Pinterest banning @LiveAction Students for Life will vow to post any content Live Action sends us. Today, we uploaded over 50 pieces of Live Action content and will continue to do so. Bring it on, @Pinterest.
#prolife #censorship #pinterest.”

As The Resurgent summarized, “Pinterest now must decide whether they will ban all pro-life groups and give up any pretense of being even-handed or objective.” The article praised the strategy as “far more effective than boycotts.”
