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Former President Donald Trump’s eldest son had a few choice words for companies like Delta Air Lines and Apple caving in to the triggered screeching of the far left.

Donald Trump Jr. began a new Rumble video with the catchphrase “Get woke, go broke” before ripping Delta Air Lines CEO Ed Bastian for complaining about Georgia’s new voting law. Trump pointed out that Delta had previously praised the law before the CEO came out saying “the final bill” was “unacceptable.” The complaints by Bastian led Georgia state House Republicans to vote to strip Delta of a multimillion-dollar tax break in response, according to Fox Business. Liberal companies Apple and Coca-Cola also joined Delta in chastising the legislation. Trump shredded the companies for caving in to the far left: “There seems to be a big cottage industry of going really woke.”

In response to GA House Republicans voting to revoke Delta’s tax break, Trump quipped: “I’m glad [the woke complaints seem] to be biting Delta in the ass.”

Trump mocked Delta and Apple specifically for their faux outrage and complaints: “Why? Because Georgia wanted to have some stuff as it relates to I.D.s to make sure we know who’s actually voting? Oh! It’s terrible! Another one: Apple’s [CEO] Tim Cook came out strongly blasting the law — blasting this.” Trump continued: “Yet strangely enough, Apple’s CEO has also been eerily silent on the genocide that is being committed in China against the Uyghur population.” 

Watch the video below:



Trump continued hammering Apple’s hypocrisy: “[Cook]’s been really silent about and during the Hong Kong uprisings. Strangely enough, when China — an actual dictatorial and oppressive regime — does something to suppress the will of the people, Apple’s Tim Cook is silent!” 

Fox Business reported that “Apple has a history of doing business in China and has seen explosive growth in business in the nation.” Delta also touted its company as the “most Chinese-friendly U.S. airline” on its website.

Trump would not let up. He proceeded to rebuke Apple for seeming to want everyone to vote in U.S. elections without secure safeguards in place:

But when we want to make sure that we have free and fair elections, that’s when [Cook]’s got a problem with it. He wants to make sure that anyone can vote. It doesn’t matter if they’re legal. [It] doesn’t matter if they live in the state. Let’s just make sure. Let’s not have any checks. That’s what it seems that these people are saying”

Trump then aimed back at Delta in his conclusion: “Of course, their CEO is going to be really woke and push some sort of nonsense policies, and I’m glad to see it biting them in the butt.”

Conservatives are under attack. Contact Delta Airlines at 1 (800) 221-1212 and Apple at (408) 996-1010 and demand these companies stop virtue signaling and catering to leftist political narratives and get back to the business of serving customers, not Democratic Party political agendas.