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ABC World News and NBC Nightly News both spent far more time on Pokemon Go than the state of the economy in July. MRC Business exposed those misplaced priorities.

On Aug. 15, Buzz60 created a video citing the MRC Business findings about the networks choosing to spend twice the time on Pokemon Go as the state of the U.S. economy. Buzz60’s video appeared on MSN Video, AOL, and USA Today College.

Pokemon Go “absolutely dominated the news cycle,” Buzz60 narrator Sean Dowling said, “despite people caring more about topics of greater importance, like, oh, the economy!”

Dowling noted that ABC in particular gave 41 times as much coverage to Pokemon Go as to the economy.

[video: align:center]

“It’s surprising, because a recent Pew Research survey of registered voters showed what Americans care most about is the economy,” the video also said.

Buzz60 is a channel of Zazoom Media Group, which produces and distributes “compelling, shareable, advertiser friendly video content,” according to Business Wire.