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CBS Boosts Rocket Makers
Evening News does positive story about private businesses in the space race.

By Amy Menefee
July 29 2005

     It doesnt take a rocket scientist to know that free market principles are rarely lauded on the network news. But when it comes to private citizens going into space, journalists cant ignore the news value. CBS July 28 Evening News took a positive tone in a story about PayPal creator Elon Musk, whos investing millions in his own company called SpaceX. Business Correspondent Anthony Mason also highlighted other entrepreneurs who are trying to build a better rocket with space tourism as one of their goals.

     Mason included an interview with NASAs Brant Sponberg, who said NASA is trying to turn over more of the earth-orbiting field to the private sector. The story illustrated the fact that plenty of private entrepreneurs are jumping at that opportunity and pursuing innovative technologies. The X Prize Foundation awarded its first prize for private manned space flight in 2004, spotlighting the competition already under way between private rocket designers. As the traditional Space Shuttle program struggles with its own uncertainties, private innovators are taking advantage of Americas free market and speeding toward the future of space travel.

For more information:


X Prize Foundation

Space Frontier Foundation