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R. Warren Anderson
R. Warren Anderson | November 10, 2005
     With oil executives testifying before Congress, the news media continued drilling the industry for high profits.      ABCs Good Morning America only found negative things to say about the oil…
R. Warren Anderson | November 4, 2005
     Are vinyl lunch boxes a cause of concern for lead poisoning? ABCs Good Morning America warned that children might be poisoned by their lunches in its November 4 broadcast, despite government…
R. Warren Anderson | November 1, 2005
     In its October 31 broadcast, ABC targeted deaths caused by malaria but bypassed a tool that has already prevented more than 500 million additional deaths.      The networks World News Tonight…
R. Warren Anderson | October 31, 2005
     CBSs 60 Minutes focused on companies becoming a big brother to employees, yet ignored an obvious free market alternative Health Savings Accounts.      During the October 29 broadcast, correspondent Morley…
R. Warren Anderson | October 27, 2005
     NBCs Today on October 27 indicted oil companies for profits that reporters and their sources considered too high. The story urged companies to reinvest their money into building new refineries…
R. Warren Anderson | October 25, 2005
     Media coverage of Ben Bernanke, nominated to head the Federal Reserve, has been mostly positive and focused on his credentials. However, some outlets have used the nomination to exaggerate…