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R. Warren Anderson
R. Warren Anderson | May 17, 2006

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Thanks to the release of Al Gore's latest effort on global warming - this time in book and movie form - climate change is the hot topic in press rooms around the globe. It isn't the first time. The media have warned…

R. Warren Anderson | April 19, 2006
     After the discovery of oil in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, it didnt take long for environmentalists to cry gloom and doom and for the media to hype those claims. From caribou dying to earthquakes to all hell…
R. Warren Anderson | January 5, 2006
     BioWillie. Its not a genetically modified country singer; its a new alternative fuel. And as the media have reported on Willie Nelsons crop-based energy business venture, some journalists have…
R. Warren Anderson | December 27, 2005
     In the biggest, boldest weight loss challenge ever, ABC underestimated by 143 million the number of cheeseburgers in weight it wants America to lose.      Good Morning America and are…
R. Warren Anderson | December 8, 2005
     A company that has lowered food prices by more than the government food stamp program in 2005 and has donated millions upon millions of dollars to charitable causes is a Goliath and similar to a god…
R. Warren Anderson | November 11, 2005
     CBSs Bob Schieffer offered viewers a solution to high energy prices that may be as plain as daylight. Yet the truth of the matter was far different and the November 10 report showed the network…