Mike Ciandella
Research Analyst

Mike Ciandella was a research analyst for the MRC's News Analysis Division, and managed the MRC's Bias by the Minute project (BBTM). Bias by the Minute is an extensive database of evening news broadcasts from ABC, CBS and NBC, stretching back to January 2015. By utilizing this database, Ciandella and other MRC analysts were able to release detailed studies on network media coverage. On top of this, BBTM also published studies looking at cable news coverage, timing out the coverage of various topics to the second. 

You can check out the full archive of Bias by the Minutes stories here: http://newsbusters.org/administrative/bias-minute

Mike Ciandella | September 24, 2012

Few in journalism are viewed with as much veneration and respect as media veteran Bill Moyers.

NBC anchor Brian Williams once said that “Bill Moyers has been and remains an essential voice in our national conversation … the living…

Mike Ciandella | August 1, 2012

Journalists have been stressing that Romney can’t connect to the common man since his first appearance in the 2012 presidential campaign. Now they have a new target: his wife Ann’s horses. Some she used for therapy for her multiple sclerosis, and…

Mike Ciandella | July 13, 2012

ABC’s Jim Avila has halted his crusade against “pink slime,” after costing 1,500 jobs. Now he’s moved on to the chicken industry with the same kind of scary tone to his story. This one is warning of another health crisis that apparently puts all…

Mike Ciandella | July 11, 2012

Look behind the bylines for The New York Times front page story about how some large corporations donated to tax-exempt groups and there’s another name – George Soros. The liberal investor is one of the richest people in the world and has given…

Mike Ciandella | July 9, 2012

When is comes to the liberal news media virtually any unusual weather event gets connected to climate change or global warming: heat wave or hurricane, drought or blizzard. So it was no surprise when the media quickly connected the recent…

Mike Ciandella | June 22, 2012

PBS will air “Dollars and Dentists,” a Soros-connected documentary advocating for socialized dental coverage, claiming there is a lack of affordable  dental care endangering the lives of millions of children. A press release and promo for…