Mike Ciandella
Research Analyst

Mike Ciandella was a research analyst for the MRC's News Analysis Division, and managed the MRC's Bias by the Minute project (BBTM). Bias by the Minute is an extensive database of evening news broadcasts from ABC, CBS and NBC, stretching back to January 2015. By utilizing this database, Ciandella and other MRC analysts were able to release detailed studies on network media coverage. On top of this, BBTM also published studies looking at cable news coverage, timing out the coverage of various topics to the second. 

You can check out the full archive of Bias by the Minutes stories here: http://newsbusters.org/administrative/bias-minute

Mike Ciandella | November 26, 2013

Turkeys just can’t catch a break. Somebody has finally made a film highlighting the gobblers’ annual Thanksgiving plight, and it was a paint-by-numbers politically correct animated clunker nobody wants to see. “Free Birds” depicted a ludicrous…

Mike Ciandella | November 22, 2013

The Communications Workers of America, which includes a prominent journalism union, is taking credit for Sen. Harry Reid’s use of the nuclear option. That option is a Senate rule which prevents the GOP from blocking presidential nominees. CWA…

Mike Ciandella | November 13, 2013

Trans fats may soon be banned by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). But why were they there to begin with? The networks haven’t been reporting that trans fats became popular because of a food police group’s crusade to get rid of…

Mike Ciandella | November 12, 2013

More typhoons will happen unless liberal energy policies are adopted, and those who disagree have “blood on their hands” – at least according to climate alarmist Jeffrey Sachs.

Sachs, a friend of liberal billionaire…

Mike Ciandella | October 28, 2013

The $1 billion defamation lawsuit against ABC news over “pink slime.” has been moved to a South Dakota state court.

Beef Products Inc, sued ABC after the news network referred to BPI’s product “lean finely textured beef…

Mike Ciandella | October 28, 2013

George Soros just loves to meddle in American politics - especially if it's in support of liberal causes.

Soros's Open Society Foundation proudly claimed to have given $100 million dollars to "immigrant rights" projects in the…