Mike Ciandella
Research Analyst

Mike Ciandella was a research analyst for the MRC's News Analysis Division, and managed the MRC's Bias by the Minute project (BBTM). Bias by the Minute is an extensive database of evening news broadcasts from ABC, CBS and NBC, stretching back to January 2015. By utilizing this database, Ciandella and other MRC analysts were able to release detailed studies on network media coverage. On top of this, BBTM also published studies looking at cable news coverage, timing out the coverage of various topics to the second. 

You can check out the full archive of Bias by the Minutes stories here: http://newsbusters.org/administrative/bias-minute

Mike Ciandella | February 24, 2014

The FCC may have suspended its invasion into American newsrooms, but the controversial "Critical Information Needs" study also has George Soros' fingerprints all over it.

While disturbing, this should come as no surprise since…

Mike Ciandella | February 4, 2014

The American Studies Association is asking its member universities to join the growing academic boycott of Israel. Eight out of the 14 member universities of the ASA’s National Council that approved the boycott have received more than $…

Mike Ciandella | January 17, 2014

Hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars have be paid to a liberal journalism group, and the agencies responsible don’t seem to want to talk about it. But some in Congress aren’t afraid of the issue. Rep Lamar Smith, R-Texas, addressed the issue…

Mike Ciandella | January 17, 2014

When President Obama needs help, he can always turn to one of the Soros inner circle. In a speech on Jan. 17, Obama announced that his new Presidential Counsel John Podesta will lead a "comprehensive review of Big Data and privacy,"…

Mike Ciandella | December 30, 2013

Scientists on a climate change expedition to Antarctica have been stranded since Christmas morning because the ice trapped their ship. Yet, the networks have nearly ignored what the mission was all about.

But the…

Mike Ciandella | December 10, 2013

President Barack Obama hired a new counselor for 2014, a man who used to lead a liberal Soros-funded group.

John Podesta, founder and president of the far-left Center for American Progress (CAP), was tapped by the…