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Jeff Poor
Jeff Poor | February 13, 2010

On Feb. 6, former President Ronald Reagan would have celebrated his 99th birthday. Since he’s thought of as a conservative icon, some have wondered what he would have thought of the modern conservative movement, specifically the tea parties and…

Jeff Poor | February 8, 2010

If you’re a follower of conservative politics and a user of the social networking tool Twitter, you’ve probably noticed the use of “#tcot,” for “top conservatives on Twitter” associated with certain posts dealing with politics.

TCOT is on…

Jeff Poor | February 4, 2010

Democratic Sen. Al Franken admitted he didn’t necessarily have legal expertise to address the Comcast-NBC Universal merger, but he could more than make up for that shortcoming through his experience in show business. Franken, a member of the…

Jeff Poor | February 3, 2010

As the old cliché goes, you don’t use a sledgehammer to crack a nut, but according to Rick Santelli, that’s exactly what it appears the Obama administration is doing terms of financial regulation and fiscal discipline.

On CNBC’s Feb. 2…

Jeff Poor | January 29, 2010

The government’s traditionally enforced safety standards on automobiles sold in the United States. But the government didn’t always own a car company. So you’d expect the media to take a hard look when the government’s roles as regulator and…

Jeff Poor | January 28, 2010

President Barack Obama encouraged some business interests by mentioning nuclear energy and offshore drilling during his Jan. 27 State of the Union speech. Those less popular energy solutions joined the usual alternative rhetoric of wind, solar…