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Dan Kennedy
Dan Kennedy | May 13, 2009

Something I saw on the“Today Show”  May 6 unnerved me. A financial expert was on, answering questions from viewers. One, a well-dressed, articulate woman, identified herself as the wife of a chiropractor who had closed his practice but still…

Dan Kennedy | April 29, 2009

April 20 was certainly a red letter day for America.

That was when President Obama held his first photo-op cabinet meeting, noisily giving them their marching orders: find ways to save $100-million in 100 days. And then he proudly told…

Dan Kennedy | April 22, 2009

I started noticing new talking points oozing out this past week. Rather than cite specifics, I’d like to encourage you to be on alert for them. They all have to do with the new gospel of less.

America at its best has always been about…

Dan Kennedy | April 15, 2009

If you’re looking for signs that the administration’s economic efforts are starting to pay off, there’s at least one segment of the economy that President Obama himself has personally stimulated. It even made it to feature story status on “60…

Dan Kennedy | April 7, 2009

On cable news channels most days, to find the news that’s truly interesting, important, threatening, and worthy of discussion, you have to ignore the talking heads and look to the “craw”’ across the bottom of the screen below them.


Dan Kennedy | April 1, 2009

An entire weekly national magazine could be devoted just to tracking government interference, regulations, new regulations, pending regulations and regulations threatened just to bring forth competing lobbyists with money. Anybody who would…