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BMI Staff
BMI Staff | August 20, 2008
The Nanny State Diaries From trans fat to plastic grocery bag bans, the media often take the side of the government making decisions for…
BMI Staff | August 13, 2008
Network News Barely Considers Nuclear Option Nuclear energy is a hot debate on the campaign trail today, but the network media dont have…
BMI Staff | August 6, 2008
Oil War: The Media Crusade Theres a super villain in the news and its not The Joker. Reporters on the broadcast networks and CNN battle the…
BMI Staff | July 30, 2008
Second Wage Hike Not 'Enough' for the Media The minimum wage went up last week, but the media still mostly ignored the economic…
BMI Staff | July 16, 2008
19 Times Bigger than Enron, and the Networks Didn't See It Coming Cooking the books but protected by powerful politicians, the Fannie Mae and…
BMI Staff | July 9, 2008
Starbucks Coverage with a Shot of Schadenfreude Some people are glad to see the coffee chain suffering and closing stores. But for years, the…