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Amy Menefee
Amy Menefee | March 19, 2007

     On March 16, CNN’s Kitty Pilgrim announced the discovery of “more evidence” of the “failure of the Bush administration’s economic and trade policies,” costing American workers jobs.

     “So simply put, this is yet another example…

Amy Menefee | March 16, 2007

     As CNBC’s Melissa Francis explained, Democrats want to raise your taxes – but they don’t want to tell you about it.


     “President Bush’s tax cuts expire in 2010, and if the Democrats get their way, America’s taxes…

Amy Menefee | March 14, 2007

See Executive Summary

Introduction It didn't take long for the new Congress to try to increase government regulation of health care through mandated prescription prices. Less than one month after taking power, House…

Amy Menefee | March 14, 2007

See Full Report

 Liberal Democrats have taken charge in Congress, and one of the top targets for their anti-business rage has long been the pharmaceutical industry. In their “100 hours” plans, Democrats tried to institute price controls…

Amy Menefee | March 14, 2007

     Let there be no doubt where ABC’s Bill Blakemore stands on global warming. 

      “‘We have been spun by Exxon and Peabody Coal,’ Blakemore said, comparing the situation to the long-running effort by tobacco companies to create…

Amy Menefee | March 2, 2007

     Would you say The New York Times has a very serious reporting problem; a somewhat serious reporting problem, or that its problem is not very serious at all?

     Any way you answer that question, The New York Times has a reporting…