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Amy Menefee
Amy Menefee | June 6, 2007

     Americans are obsessed with rights. We always have been.

     But the concept of rights our forefathers laid out in the Declaration of Independence has changed dramatically. Those rights – life, liberty and the pursuit of…

Amy Menefee | June 5, 2007

     Cuba’s a great place to live and visit – that’s the word in the media.      


     With Michael Moore’s “Sicko,” a film that glorifies the Cuban health care…

Amy Menefee | May 21, 2007

     Score one for the ol’ American Dream.


     Many news reports had been telling us it was dead. But the May 21 USA Today offered some hope – and a brand new spin on the class warfare…

Amy Menefee | April 25, 2007

     I’m a rare combination: a trained journalist who grew up understanding the value of guns.

     My dad taught me how to shoot and made sure I understood safety, my rights and my responsibility – namely, that the government wouldn’t…

Amy Menefee, Rachel Waters | April 16, 2007

     Guilty until proven innocent – that was the verdict for the student loan industry on CNN’s “In the Money.”

     The show’s anchors turned a story on investigation of college financial aid offices into a diatribe on corporate…

Amy Menefee | March 29, 2007

     The TV made them do it.

     It made them “cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.”

     CBS’s Katie Couric used the cereal slogan as she introduced a March 28 “Evening News” report. The nanny-staters were at it again, this time warning…