
Joseph Vazquez | January 17, 2022

A meteorologist known for smacking down the sensationalism of eco-fanatics said his website was demonetized by censorship giant Google.

University of Alabama, Huntsville Principal Research Scientist Dr. Roy Spencer posted a blog on…

Joseph Vazquez | September 7, 2021

The liberal media has to find a new way to keep its COVID-19 scare strategy going: Have “health journals” sound the alarm on the “climate crisis.”

The Guardian is leading the charge. It screeched in its story’s headline: “More than 200…

Joseph Vazquez | April 26, 2021

Hoover Institution Visiting Fellow Bjorn Lomborg joined Fox Business to discuss his recent op-ed lambasting President Joe Biden’s eco-extremist agenda.

Lomborg’s op-ed called Biden’s agenda “unrealistic” and “implausible.” Lomborg swatted…

Joseph Vazquez | April 19, 2021

A new wacky report by Greenpeace underscored the Marxist left’s obsession with connecting the completely unrelated issues of eco-fanaticism and racism.

The April 13 report was published with a blaring headline, “Fossil Fuel Racism.” The…

Craig Bannister | April 13, 2021

A number of major news organizations worldwide, ranging from Scientific American and The Columbia Journalism Review to The Guardian and Al Jazeera, have signed a pledge to begin referring to “climate change…

Joseph Vazquez | February 26, 2021

On Thursday, Hoover Institution visiting fellow Bjorn Lomborg joined Fox Business to slap down the left’s climate change fanaticism.

Lomborg told Fox Business host Larry Kudlow that there’s “a lot of hype going on with climate…

Joseph Vazquez | October 20, 2020

Remember when media outlets like BBC were casting shade on President Donald Trump for placing the blame for the out-of-control West Coast wildfires on forest mismanagement?

It looks like NBC News just admitted that the president may…

Joseph Vazquez | September 25, 2020

Liberal billionaire George Soros had said the pandemic was providing a “revolutionary moment.” 

Now Project Syndicate (PS), a group both Soros and fellow liberal billionaire Bill Gates fund, is peddling a tyrannical proposal.…

Joseph Vazquez | September 18, 2020

For someone as infamous as Hanoi Jane Fonda to exploit the devastating West Coast wildfires to sell the Green New Deal (GND) is just par for the course. She’s used to pushing propaganda.

Fonda joined MSNBC blowhard Joy Reid on the…

Joseph Vazquez | September 17, 2020

Reuters is pushing an insane idea that eco-extremist activist Greta Thunberg could get the Nobel Peace Prize. 

In a story headlined, “A Nobel for Thunberg? In the age of climate change and virus, it is possible,” Reuters’ Gwladys…

Joseph Vazquez | September 14, 2020

It didn’t take long for billionaire and failed presidential candidate Tom Steyer to resume peddling his climate change nonsense. This comes after he spent over $341 million financing his own campaign.

His new schtick? Selling the…

Joseph Vazquez | May 6, 2020

Environmentalists in the media often seem to want to move the goalposts on their climate Armageddon predictions.

USA Today ran a story headlined “Unsuitable for 'human life to flourish': Up to 3B will live in extreme heat by…

Joseph Vazquez | May 5, 2020

Another day, another Pulitzer prize given to The Washington Post for liberal content. This time, the prize was given for the paper’s reporting on climate change.


The Post’s media reporter Paul Farhi flaunted…

Joseph Vazquez | April 27, 2020

Leave it to a CNN correspondent to exploit his own son’s birth to push his eco-freakish politics in a cringe letter published on CNN’s website.

CNN Chief Climate Correspondent Bill Weir’s piece, headlined…

Joseph Vazquez | December 27, 2019

The leftist media can get so cuckoo for cocoa puffs it burns! Literally.

Left-wing magazine The Nation published a bizarre article Dec. 23 against home ownership headlined “California’s Fires Prove the American Dream Is…

Julia A. Seymour | August 28, 2019

Yes, there are fires burning in the Amazon and that’s obviously a bad thing, but one Forbes columnist chided movie stars, politicians and the news media for spreading misinformation about them.

Contributor Michael Shellenberger, who…

Julia A. Seymour | April 22, 2019

This Earth Day The Washington Post Magazine used images of burning globes, an illustration of sea levels so high modern apartments resemble Atlantis, and a photo illustration of Marines raising a green flag over Iwo Jima.

And that was…

Julia A. Seymour | March 23, 2017

The Michigan tourism board must be gleeful since Popular Science made over-the-top climate predictions that could send people packing for the Wolverine state.

MLive reported the PopSci story and video on March 22, with the…