
Julia A. Seymour | July 17, 2018

More Americans are quitting their jobs and even some media are admitting “that’s a good thing.”

The rising rate of American workers quitting their jobs voluntarily shows their confidence in the economy, especially the…

Julia A. Seymour | July 9, 2018

The June jobs report was more good news for American job seekers. The Bureau of Labor Statistics announced July 6, that 213,000 new jobs were added in June.

That was more than economists expected. The prior two months were also revised up…

Julia A. Seymour | July 6, 2018

Last month, 213,000 new jobs were added to the U.S. economy — more than expected by analysts. Jobs figures from the previous two months were also revised up by a total of 37,000 jobs.

This good news about job gains and increased…

Julia A. Seymour | June 7, 2018

There are now more job openings in America than Americans looking for jobs.

The Wall Street Journal reported on June 5, that in spring 2018, the U.S. economy reached this unique milestone — the first time since the Labor Department…

Julia A. Seymour | June 4, 2018

The “booming jobs market” got very different treatment from each of the three broadcast networks as unemployment dropped to 3.8 percent.

While ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows all reported the “stronger than expected…

Julia A. Seymour | May 10, 2018

The media are treating the economy like a good-news/bad-news story. The good news is the economy is going well and unemployment is down to just 3.9 percent — the best since 2000. The bad news is ABC, CBS and NBC evening news programs don…

Julia A. Seymour | May 7, 2018

The force might have been with ABC on May 4, but interest in the U.S. labor market certainly wasn’t.

That night World News Tonight with David Muir spent a meager 15 seconds announcing the April jobs report which showed the lowest…

Julia A. Seymour | May 4, 2018

The unemployment rate dropped below 4 percent for the first time since 2000, prompting analysts to call it a “wow” number. It also provoked a surprising election analysis from MSNBC Morning Joe contributor Donny Deutsch on May 4.…

Julia A. Seymour | April 17, 2018

Robert Johnson, the founder of BET television and America’s first black billionaire, had some positive things to say about the economy in April, but most liberal media failed to notice. The one national paper to cover it delayed including…

Julia A. Seymour | April 10, 2018

A fuzzy animal, faulty directions and famous murderers all outranked the latest jobs report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The BLS announced on April 6, that the U.S. added 103,000 jobs in March and unemployment remained low.…

Julia A. Seymour | March 12, 2018

February job gains came in at a whopping 313,000 new jobs, so much that NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt acknowledged it “blows away economists’ expectations.” The Wall Street Journal said expectations were at only 205,000.…

Julia A. Seymour | February 7, 2018

Two nights before the Philadelphia Eagles took home its first Super Bowl trophy, the networks were far more focused on stories related to the big game than to one measure of the U.S. economy. So pre-game stories still outranked the strong jobs…

Julia A. Seymour | January 9, 2018

A weaker than expected jobs report managed to capture the attention of the three broadcast networks evening newscasts. That was quite a switch.Those same news programs often underreported good economic news in the past year. ABC World News…

Aly Nielsen | January 8, 2018

Liberal Washington Post columnist David Von Drehle is sure President Donald Trump will face “a recession, slump, or God forbid, crash” before the 2020 presidential election — despite the strong economic gains so far under Trump…

Julia A. Seymour | December 19, 2017

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders asked on Twitter Dec. 17, “Which is the more underreported story of @Potus Year One? -Defeat of ISIS -Booming Trump economy.”

Her complaint about the economy was certainly correct. In…

Julia A. Seymour, Aly Nielsen | December 18, 2017

Liberal media bias has existed for years, but in 2017, it appeared to reach unprecedented levels given the media’s hostility to President Donald Trump.

The media distorted many stories in 2017, in many different ways. They ranged…

Julia A. Seymour | December 7, 2017

ABC’s World News Tonight with David Muir may have clinched the most viewers, but it spent the least amount of time on the nation’s 1.7 million job gains when compared to rivals on CBS and NBC.

In September, Muir’s…

Aly Nielsen | November 6, 2017

The U.S. unemployment rate dropped to the lowest level in seventeen years, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ October jobs report.

The report also showed 261,000 jobs added, but ABC didn’t bother covering the good…

Aly Nielsen | July 24, 2017

The White House declared the week of July 16, “Made in America” week to celebrate U.S. manufacturing -- a continuance of President Donald Trump’s “America First” campaign focus. But ABC, CBS and NBC evening news…

Julia A. Seymour | May 9, 2017

April marked the lowest unemployment rate in a decade, but that didn’t stop one NBC news show from spending far more time covering jobs being lost to Mexico.