
Joseph Vazquez | July 2, 2019

It appears that liberal billionaire largess just isn’t going to be enough to prop up The Center for American Progress’s propaganda arm, ThinkProgress.

The Daily Beast broke the news story, reporting “Staff were informed…

Julia A. Seymour | May 22, 2019

Liberal billionaire George Soros gives millions each year to fund a left-wing media empire that promotes far-left opinions. It’s only natural that some of those Soros-funded or Soros-linked media are pushing the eco-socialist Green New Deal…

Julia A. Seymour | May 9, 2019

A week is not a long time. It’s only 1/52nd of a year. But eco-warriors determined to be rid of fossil fuels will latch on to anything to try to prove renewables can shoulder the demand for energy.

Think Progress and EcoWatch did…

Julia A. Seymour | March 11, 2019

Former Mayor Michael Bloomberg won’t be running for president in 2020, but the billionaire media mogul has vowed to continue trying to eradicate the coal industry. He’s also promised to target oil and gas.

Left-wing Think…

Corinne Weaver | September 12, 2018

The media don’t  care about online censorship -- unless it happens to them.

The liberal site ThinkProgress cried foul after it was fact checked for a story it posted on Facebook involving Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.…

Julia A. Seymour | April 18, 2017

Climate Progress founding editor Joe Romm is furious with The New York Times for hiring a person he claims is an “extreme climate science denier.”

Sam Dorman | December 5, 2016

After Donald Trump chose former presidential candidate Ben Carson to lead the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), journalists ridiculed the choice, mocked Carson’s beliefs and labeled him a “scammer.”

Sam Dorman, Aly Nielsen | October 21, 2016

It isn’t just the news media censoring viewpoints on climate change anymore.

According to a WikiLeaks email, the left-wing website Think Progress took responsibility for getting a professor ousted from writing at Nate…

Sam Dorman | August 17, 2016

After the Rio Olympics’ opening ceremony inundated viewers with climate propaganda, liberal media outlets did more than cover the climate agenda. They carried the torch for it.

As if liberal propaganda weren’t seeping into…