Scott Pruitt

Julia A. Seymour | February 21, 2018

The recent media frenzy over EPA administrator Scott Pruitt’s travel expenses and use of first-class cabins, often lacked crucial information — like the death threats he has received.

According to The Wall Street Journal in…

Julia A. Seymour | November 9, 2017

Threats against Trump administration officials have become deadly serious. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt requested 24/7 security protection back in April and had to beef up his security detail again in October, because of the high number of…

Sam Dorman | January 18, 2017

President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee to lead the Environmental Protection Agency faced legislators on Capitol Hill as his confirmation hearings began Jan. 18. At the same time, celebrities spewed vitriol about him online.


Sam Dorman | December 8, 2016

Just what the climate debate needed, word games. After liberals complained on Twitter, The New York Times changed its headline to describe Trump’s EPA pick as a “climate change denialist” instead of a “climate change…