
Craig Bannister | March 28, 2024

Democrat voters are the least worried that the government will use the guise of fighting misinformation and hate speech to censor political dissent on the Internet and social media, a new national survey reveals.

Nearly half (47…

Joseph Vazquez | May 22, 2023

A majority of Americans are rejecting the media’s attempts to shield leftist billionaire activist George Soros from criticism and cast his opponents as anti-Semites.

A new survey by Rasmussen Reports and Ron Coleman’s ColemanNation…

Craig Bannister | December 14, 2022

Three-fourths all U.S. likely voters think that social media companies like Facebook are censoring content because of political bias, and three-fourths of Democrat voters agree, but Democrats are much less likely to want Congress to do anything…

Jeffrey Clark | March 23, 2022

A damning new poll shows Americans are rejecting the media’s spin campaign to protect President Joe Biden from political backlash on the inflation crisis. The ABC, CBS and NBC evening news networks completely ignored the story.