Julia A. Seymour | April 4, 2019

In spite of growing wages, extremely low unemployment and nearly 3 percent economic growth in 2018, the liberal media are becoming obsessed with recession. It didn’t matter that CFOs were confident the U.S. economy “will not…

Julia A. Seymour | May 4, 2018

The unemployment rate dropped below 4 percent for the first time since 2000, prompting analysts to call it a “wow” number. It also provoked a surprising election analysis from MSNBC Morning Joe contributor Donny Deutsch on May 4.…

Julia A. Seymour | March 21, 2018

Following the resignation of Gary Cohn as top economic adviser, President Donald Trump selected CNBC contributor and former anchor Larry Kudlow for the spot.

Many liberal media outlets raced to attack the vocal free trade proponent who…

Julia A. Seymour | August 30, 2017

As Houston lays flooded by Hurricane Harvey, the liberal media and climate alarmists raced to connect the natural disaster to their manmade global warming agenda in spite of scientific disagreement.

On broadcast and cable news, MSNBC…

Julia A. Seymour | March 24, 2017

Liberals in the news media hate government funding cuts, especially cuts that threaten promoters of their agenda.

Which is why they were so outraged about…

Sam Dorman | January 19, 2017

MRC Vice President of Business and Culture Dan Gainor denounced NBC’s attempt to downplay President-elect Donald Trump’s role in bringing new jobs to the U.S.

On twitter, Trump credited himself for new job creation on Jan. 17…

Sam Dorman | November 9, 2016

The liberal media were in mourning on Election Night when it became clear Donald Trump would be the next president of the United States.

Panic was palpable and journalists, particularly on NBC networks, blamed a significant drop in Dow…

Callista Ring | October 19, 2016

The mounting archive of WikiLeaks emails between Hillary Clinton and her staff continues to reveal the Democratic presidential candidate’s special relationship with members of the liberal news media.

Not only did she hold an off the…

Callista Ring | October 11, 2016

The Hillary Clinton Campaign threw an off the record party and only liberal media were invited, recently leaked emails revealed.

A source identifying himself as Guccifer 2.0 provided The Intercept with emails…

Sam Dorman | January 26, 2016

The National Weather Service offered a gust of sanity to the media’s whirlwind of climate alarmism, just before a blizzard struck the east coast. According to National Weather Service meteorologist Mark Jackson, “There's no such thing as a…

Sam Dorman | January 22, 2016

MSNBC All In with Chris Hayes’s host is all in ... for climate alarmism.

As Washington D.C. and Baltimore raced to prepare for a potentially “historic” blizzard set to lash the East Coast Hayes…

Julia A. Seymour | December 21, 2015

Objective journalism is so old-fashioned. Activism is the new objectivity, at least where the liberal media are concerned.

Rather than reporting as neutral…

Julia A. Seymour | October 1, 2015

Conservative filmmaker Phelim McAleer has a new film challenging Josh Fox and his claims about hydraulic fracturing. McAleer’s GasHoax will be released on October 1, the…

Aly Nielsen | September 29, 2015

Billionaire climate activist Tom Steyer has taken to doctoring his own biographical history to make himself seem more genuine.

In a Sept. 28, interview on MSNBC’s All in with Chris Hayes, Steyer told Hayes that his climate “…

Joseph Rossell | July 28, 2015

Climate alarmist James Hansen recently dropped a “bombshell” study about rising seas, at least according to the media hyping his claims.

The former NASA lead climate scientist claimed sea levels could rise 10 feet in 50 years…

Aly Nielsen | May 12, 2015

NBC Meet the Press host Chuck Todd announced on Sunday they were starting a new series called "Meet the Money: The Billionaire Donors." They started with GOP-backing Sheldon Adelson. When will they get to George Soros?