MRC Latino

Luis Cornelio | October 4, 2023

A former bodega worker is seeking retribution after being charged with second-degree murder by a Soros-backed New York DA in what critics, including New York City Mayor Eric Adams, described as an apparent self-defense incident.


Julia A. Seymour | April 10, 2018

A fuzzy animal, faulty directions and famous murderers all outranked the latest jobs report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The BLS announced on April 6, that the U.S. added 103,000 jobs in March and unemployment remained low.…

Dan Gainor | January 20, 2017

Free speech is a concept lost on liberals. Left-wing Fusion proved that the morning of the presidential inauguration by asking Twitter to delete the account of the president elect.

The network, run by top Hillary funder Haim Saban,…