Leonardo DiCaprio

Luis Cornelio | April 6, 2023

ABC, CBS and NBC took a stand on a potential scandal involving tens of millions in reportedly stolen money and former President Barack Obama’s 2012 campaign: We won’t report on this.

Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio testified…

Joseph Vazquez | December 3, 2019

If the left’s ongoing conniptions on climate change haven’t proven hysterical enough, former Obama Secretary of State John Kerry decided to launch a bipartisan “World War Zero” coalition on climate change.

Some of…

Joseph Valle | June 6, 2019

Liberal Hollywood celebrities love to talk about saving the planet from climate change. They blame carbon-spewing humans for planetary crisis, all while living like hypocrites.

One of the biggest is actor and producer Leonardo DiCaprio.…

Aly Nielsen | February 28, 2017

Leonardo DiCaprio claims to care about the Earth. He also blames mankind for the threat of climate change. But he’s unwilling to let his passion for the planet get in the way of his Oscar preening.

Together with a fellow actor,…

Julia A. Seymour | October 4, 2016

Actor Leonardo DiCaprio sat on the White House lawn on Oct. 3, and proclaimed that anyone who doesn’t not believe in climate change “should not be allowed to hold…

Julia A. Seymour | August 24, 2016

One of the liberal media’s favorite Hollywood actors, Leonardo DiCaprio, intended to host a fundraiser in his home for Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton…