Joe Concha

Joseph Vazquez | May 25, 2023

Apparently attempting to promote free speech on a Big Tech platform is now “right wing.” At least, that’s what The Atlantic is suggesting in its latest conniption over Twitter 2.0 under owner Elon Musk.

Atlantic Staff Writer Charlie…

Joseph Vazquez | January 18, 2021

CBS News has become a propaganda arm for President-elect Joe Biden administration’s leftist economic plans to prop up his image. It threw more than 1 million workers under the bus to make Biden look good.

The outlet published an opinion…

Joseph Vazquez | November 19, 2020

The Hill opinion columnist Joe Concha nuked the “marshmallow media” for consistently lobbing “T-ball” questions at former Vice President Joe Biden in the relatively few press conferences he’s held since clinching the Democratic nomination.…

Joseph Vazquez | November 16, 2020

The hate-filled Lincoln Project failed to make any real impact on the election and The Hill opinion columnist Joe Concha said it’s finally time for the NeverTrump group to take a hike.

Concha held nothing back: “The two entities…