Jim Tankersley

Joseph Vazquez | February 5, 2024

The New York Times kicked its pro-Bidenomics Pravda into overdrive as the U.S. gears up for a contentious presidential election this year.

“The Economy Looks Sunny, a Potential Gain for Biden,” read the latest headline spin from Times…

Joseph Vazquez | September 13, 2023

The tone-deaf hacks at The New York Times treated an expected spike in inflation as a problem because … Republicans could potentially pounce on the development to criticize President Joe Biden. Yes, the leftist rag actually did that.


Joseph Vazquez | March 9, 2023

The New York Times tried turning the screws on Republican members of Congress who are adamant about President Joe Biden agreeing to spending cuts before the debt ceiling is raised...yet again.

Times White House correspondent Jim…

Jeffrey Clark | October 17, 2022

The midterm elections are three weeks out and The New York Times is screeching at Democrats for not touting President Joe Biden’s inflationary record of printing $1.9 trillion in government handouts.

“Democrats spent $2 trillion to save…

Joseph Vazquez | November 4, 2021

The New York Times has turned its sights on the middle class by asking President Joe Biden why Americans shouldn’t pay more at the pump to fight climate change. 

The Times White House correspondent Jim Tankersley lectured Biden on…

Joseph Vazquez | May 17, 2021

The New York Times attempted to save President Joe Biden’s political image after a string of abysmal economic news plagued the administration recently.

The Times spun attention away from the gas shortages, spiking inflation and atrocious…

Joseph Vazquez | April 1, 2021

How appropriate! The New York Times filled its April Fools Day front-page with puff stories praising President Joe Biden’s leftist economic agenda.

Four Times stories dominated the front page with headlines promoting Biden’s disastrous…

Joseph Vazquez | September 30, 2020

Last night’s presidential brawl of a debate was definitely an eye-opener. 

On the media side, nothing was more eye-opening than The New York Times actually taking the time to fact-check false claims Democratic presidential candidate…

Joseph Vazquez | September 9, 2020

The New York Times tried to shift goalposts to claim that the Federal Reserve was responsible for President Donald Trump’s roaring pre-pandemic economy. 

That’s wildly different from the “economic disaster” The Times…

Joseph Vazquez | April 28, 2020

The farcical New York Times dealt with the question of re-opening our coronavirus-devastated economy by stoking progressive alarmism about racial and economic “inequality.”

The Times published a preposterous story…