
Joseph Vazquez | July 15, 2022

Twitter exploited the death of Ivana Trump, allowing users to take a disgusting potshot at her ex-husband.

Following news about the death of former President Donald Trump’s ex-wife, an “In memoriam” item trended on the platform: “Ivana…

Joseph Vazquez | August 25, 2021

Has Newsweek lost its mind? The outlet published an insane article giving the Taliban praise for promising to fight “terror” and “climate change” in order to gain legitimacy in world politics.

The magazine’s headline read like a Babylon…

Joseph Vazquez | August 23, 2021

CBS News just proved how far down the whirlpool of nonsense it’s willing to go. The outlet actually blamed climate change for Afghanistan’s terrorism outbreak following President Joe Biden’s massive foreign policy failure.

CBS News…

Joseph Vazquez | February 9, 2021

An NBC Morning News Now segment aired the pro-Trump impeachment smears of an MSNBC Legal Analyst without disclosing that she was a donor to President Joe Biden.

Federal Election Commission records show that MSNBC Legal Analyst and NBC…

Joseph Vazquez | May 6, 2020

MSNBC commentator Anand Giridharadas attacked Americans’ obsession with freedom on Wednesday’s edition of Morning Joe, suggesting it blinded them to issues like the virus and “climate change.”

After spending time…

Joseph Vazquez | May 6, 2020

Environmentalists in the media often seem to want to move the goalposts on their climate Armageddon predictions.

USA Today ran a story headlined “Unsuitable for 'human life to flourish': Up to 3B will live in extreme heat by…

Joseph Vazquez | April 27, 2020

The liberal media have gone to bat for fellow liberal and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates against “conspiracy” theories regarding the coronavirus that started in Wuhan, China.

But recent comments from Gates on…

Joseph Vazquez | April 23, 2020

The coronavirus dominates the news on every network. NBC Nightly News had covered the virus that started in China since January 17, the “first day the networks arrived at the coronavirus story.”

None of the on-air…

Joseph Vazquez | April 20, 2020

Could liberal billionaire George Soros be more disgusting? He’s using his super PAC to exploit the coronavirus and attack President Donald Trump and using the issue of abortion to do it.

Federal Election Commission data…

Joseph Vazquez | April 17, 2020

The liberal New York Times devoted two stories between Apr. 15 and Apr. 17, attacking President Donald Trump’s decision to freeze funding to the World Health Organization.

The effort attempted to insulate one of the…

Joseph Vazquez | April 10, 2020

Far-left commentator Sally Kohn somehow thinks state governments ordering nonessential businesses to close means they aren’t forcing businesses to lay off their workforces.


Sinclair’s Eric…

Joseph Vazquez | April 9, 2020

The Washington Post continues to ruin its reputation by relying on a mix of a Soros-affiliated organization, the UN and the ADL to claim criticism of China’s handling of the coronavirus is racist.

The Post’s story is…

Joseph Vazquez | April 8, 2020

A left-wing group funded with millions from liberal billionaire George Soros’s Open Society Network tried to get the FCC to label President Donald Trump’s coronavirus briefings as “hoaxes.”

The attempt failed.

The Federal…

Joseph Vazquez | October 11, 2019

When the media cites a research report, consumers expect them to at least have read it first.

Multiple liberal outlets cited a recently released study from researchers from the European Society of Cardiology. They…

Joseph Vazquez | July 9, 2019

The liberal media usually take aim at the libertarian Koch brothers, but now that they’ve launched a venture with George Soros, there’s been an about-face.

Slate, The Boston Globe, and The Week all covered the joint venture…

Joseph Vazquez | July 2, 2019

It appears that liberal billionaire largess just isn’t going to be enough to prop up The Center for American Progress’s propaganda arm, ThinkProgress.

The Daily Beast broke the news story, reporting “Staff were informed…

Julia A. Seymour | January 22, 2019

HuffPost, your hypocrisy is showing.

As the 2019 World Economic Forum (WEF) meetings began in Davos, Switzerland, the left-wing HuffPost blasted the gathering. This was a complete 180 for the liberal outlet, which has strongly supported…