Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Joseph Vazquez | March 6, 2023

Shark Tank star Kevin O’Leary ripped leftist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) for her role in hamstringing the tax-obsessed state of New York from being able to effectively produce jobs.

O’Leary called leftist-run states like New…

Jeffrey Clark | July 1, 2022

Leftists in the media and on Twitter whined after the U.S. Supreme Court delivered victory to constitutional originalists, this time on energy policy.

The Court’s decision will limit the ability of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA…

Jeffrey Clark | June 29, 2022

The radical liberal billionaire who became infamous for backing a group that “spread disinformation during the 2017 Alabama special election for U.S. Senate” is throwing money behind so-called “mainstream” Democrats in an attempt to prevent…

Catherine Salgado | December 10, 2021

Meta is doubling down on its use of artificial intelligence (AI) to detect alleged “harmful content,” even though AI algorithms have been shown to be biased or error-prone in censoring content.

Censorship and moderation AI is really “…

Kayla Sargent | February 9, 2021

Twitter’s obvious bias against conservatives becomes more ridiculous by the minute. 

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) lied and falsely accused Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) of “trying to get [her] killed”, and has now refused to…

Kayla Sargent | February 5, 2021

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) apparently expects her supporters to cover for her lying.

Ocasio-Cortez has now reportedly encouraged her supporters to report social media users who call her out for the fact that she was…

Kayla Sargent | January 29, 2021

Twitter slapped warning labels on tweets questioning the results of the 2020 presidential election all day long. But if a Democrat congressman falsely accuses a conservative senator of attempted murder, the platform turns a blind eye.


Joseph Vazquez | April 22, 2020

When the price of U.S. oil crashed below $0 on Monday, lefty Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) sent out a disgusting tweet praising the coronavirus-induced crash.

She later deleted the tweet, and the cat caught all three major…

Alexander Hall | November 8, 2019

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) was forced to eat a slice of humble pie after she lost a lawsuit over free speech. 

The far-left Democrat apologized Monday for blocking one of her critics on Twitter, and as the Wall Street…

Joseph Vazquez | October 30, 2019

As liberal media outlets continue to harp on their climate destruction narrative, Green New Deal proselytizer and self-identified democratic socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) continued to dish out doomsday defenses of her…

Corinne Weaver | October 29, 2019

The backlash Facebook has received from the left over its election ads policy has been overwhelming.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) gave her stamp of approval to the internal liberal protest from Facebook employees over the company…

Alexa Moutevelis | October 5, 2019

Comedian Terrence K. Williams of “The Deplorables” comedy troupe, pleaded for help Friday amidst fears Twitter was targeting his account for his support of President Trump. A popular blue check conservative with over 600,000 followers…

Corinne Weaver | September 27, 2019

Liberals should not have been so quick to change the rules for politicians online. 

When a federal judge declared that President Trump, as a politician, couldn’t block his Twitter followers, the ruling applied to other…

Joseph Vazquez | July 16, 2019

Left-wing group Bend the Arc: Jewish Action went on a Twitter rampage over Sen. Lindsey Graham’s, (R-SC), criticism of a group of freshman legislators as anti-Semitic.

Bend the Arc is the result of a merger of The Progressive Jewish…

Joseph Valle | June 26, 2019

Washington Post economic editorial writer Charles Lane called out proponents of socialism citing Nordic countries as a “model” for the kind of socialism they want to see replicated by America.

Because, while they are “…

Joseph Valle | June 24, 2019

When the left conducts polls, it’s not surprising to see how they can manipulate questions to obtain their desired results.

Atlantic staff writer Robinson Meyer on June 21 gushed how the Democratic Party has “become more…

Joseph Vazquez III | June 6, 2019

Democratic presidential front-runner, former Vice President Joe Biden gave Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ Green New Deal a big bear hug, with the release of his 22-page climate plan June 4.

The Atlantic called it a “mini green…

Julia A. Seymour | May 22, 2019

Liberal billionaire George Soros gives millions each year to fund a left-wing media empire that promotes far-left opinions. It’s only natural that some of those Soros-funded or Soros-linked media are pushing the eco-socialist Green New Deal…

Julia A. Seymour | May 13, 2019

Fewer people are now in favor of the Green New Deal and the disappointment of The Washington Post was palpable.

It turned out that once more people knew more about the socialist fantasy to save the planet (and give away a bunch of other…

Corinne Weaver | May 7, 2019

There are parody accounts and satire accounts on Twitter for almost every politician, red or blue.

But not for Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY).

Twitter removed a parody account (that clearly stated multiple times on the…