Al Sharpton

Joseph Vazquez | March 31, 2023

Don’t criticize leftist billionaire George Soros’ agenda to overhaul the criminal justice system or you’re an anti-Semite! At least, that’s the ridiculous pejorative that MSNBC host Joe Scarbough hurled at Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R…

Jeffrey Clark | April 12, 2022

The Rev. Al Sharpton targeted the liberal elite in a fiery anti-woke sermon on inflation.

Sharpton pummeled woke elitists during his appearance on the April 11 edition of MSNBC’s Morning Joe. The topic was the Democratic outlook for the…

Ashley Rae Goldenberg | April 19, 2018

A resident of the Crown Heights neighborhood of Brooklyn was reportedly banned from Facebook for 30 days for discussing the problem of black-on-Jewish crime in the area.

COLlive, a news site catering to the Chabad-Lubavitch Jewish…