August 9, 2006
The Senate recently blocked a vote on the bill that would have reduced the inheritance tax. In the media and in Congress, people have asked a lot of questions about the tax.
Why would we want to reduce or eliminate it? Wouldn’t this be a…
August 8, 2006
You’re shopping for jeans at the mall and Banana Republic is charging you twice what you would pay at Old Navy or Sears. Quick, call the government and report them!
That’s ridiculous, you say.…
August 8, 2006
Marking the one-year anniversary of longtime smoker Peter Jennings’ death from lung cancer, ABC’s Dr. Timothy Johnson wrote up a prescription as outdated and ineffective as bleeding a patient: growing government. …
August 7, 2006
Leave it to “60 Minutes” to find a negative development in a tide of American prosperity lifting all boats.
“The Joneses, that mythic family America vainly tries to keep up with, are setting an…
August 7, 2006
Has CNN’s reporting on food gone to the dogs?
The audience of the August 5 edition of “In the Money” might suspect as much. On that program business contributor Andy Serwer narrated a “…
August 4, 2006
The CBS “Evening News” recently hinted that more regulation, not less, is needed to improve the nation’s electrical grid.
Reporter Trish Regan’s August 3 story displayed a chart showing an…
August 3, 2006
Are you a Republican politician yearning for approval by The Washington Post? All it takes is standing up for tax increases or for hiking the minimum wage.
In separate articles in the August 3 Post, reporters Jeffrey Birnbaum and Michael…
August 3, 2006
As Congress debated sending a minimum wage increase to President’s Bush desk for signing, ABC’s Betsy Stark promised “A Closer Look” at the issue but delivered anything but.
In her August 2 “World News Tonight” story, Stark stacked the…
August 2, 2006
“Stop and drop those tongs,” because salads might not be good for you after all, warned NBC’s Campbell Brown as she teased a “Today’s Consumer” segment on the morning show’s August 2 program.
August 2, 2006
“Well, that noise you hear may be the sound of a bubble bursting,” said NBC’s Natalie Morales on the July 21 “Today” show. Or it could be reality pricking the hyper-inflated predictions of a bubble-happy media. …