April 16, 2008
Some of the toughest obstacles American businesses face come not from other companies or the economy, but from the media – journalists exaggerating an issue to make a story sexier or anti-business groups influencing the media to advance their agenda…
April 16, 2008
For the second night in a row, ABC’s “World News with Charles Gibson” said everything was bad and nothing good about an airline merger.
On the day the CEOs from Delta Air Lines (NYSE:DAL) and…
April 16, 2008
One man’s pork spending is another’s “relative bargain.” That’s how a CBS reporter views it.
The April 15 “CBS Evening News” observed Tax Day by exploring how federal tax dollars are spent, but what they chose to highlight was peculiar…
April 16, 2008
The only presidential candidate with an economic plan that even remotely resembles a pro-growth, low taxation platform just can’t escape populist scrutiny from the media.
GOP presidential hopeful Sen. John McCain’s path to economic…
April 15, 2008
First she wanted no more cancelled flights. Now Meredith Vieira’s asking for a “guarantee” against higher airfares.
Unfortunately, despite her $10-million annual salary, according to the April…
April 15, 2008
It takes a big man to admit he’s wrong, but as a columnist for one of the nation’s top newspapers, Paul Krugman shouldn’t have been wrong in the first place.
Krugman’s April 11 New York Times column…
April 15, 2008
The big bad scary airline merger – it’s the way the media have portrayed the announced merger between Delta Air Lines and Northwest Airlines.
Each of the three networks gave little or no upside…
April 14, 2008
Reports about people who are in trouble with their home mortgages have been common on news broadcasts in recent weeks. Often the borrower is portrayed as the victim and the lender is vilified.
However, the April 14 edition of CNN’s new…
April 14, 2008
One might think in the free market of ideas, increased competition would inspire more innovation, leading to more and better choices for the consumer.
Roger Mudd, a former “CBS Evening News”…
April 11, 2008
As riots over food shortages are breaking out in Haiti, Egypt and other parts of Africa, the media are looking for a culprit. ABC’s April 10 “World News with Charles Gibson” identified one culprit of this global strife:…