December 21, 2020
Axios must like propping up Democratic senators as crusaders against fossil fuel special interests while ignoring their own deep ties to special interests, including dark money.
Axios climate change and energy reporter Amy Harder praised how…
April 9, 2021
The ABC, CBS and NBC evening news networks ignored yet another major economic report slapping down President Joe Biden’s ridiculous corporate tax hike plan as disastrous.
The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) released a new damning…
December 30, 2015
The Atlantic needs a reminder that journalists should mention both sides when covering stories. The Society of Professional Journalists says the media are supposed to “support the open and civil exchange of views.” That includes climate…
May 2, 2016
The U.S. economy slowed down so much last quarter that even Europe’s economy grew faster. But if you just watched the broadcast networks’ and Hispanic media’s evening news programs, you wouldn’t have known that.
The U.S.…
May 20, 2016
After activist attorneys general targeted a major oil company and conservative groups for their climate change views, one of the groups hit back hard, publicly accusing the AG’s of abusing their legal authority.
The Competitive…
June 7, 2016
Hillary Clinton made herself look like the out-of-touch elitist she is often criticized for being, but rather than reporting that, broadcast networks hyped her “historic” nomination.
When Clinton spoke against income inequality during a…
July 11, 2016
Media coverage put a Republican face to the water crisis in Flint. The broader story on lead contamination revealed that Democratic mayors vastly outnumbered Republicans in cities with lead testing problems.
The Flint crisis gained national…
July 15, 2016
The media exuded panic surrounding the vote for the U.K. to leave the European Union, commonly called Brexit. Reports after the vote panicked over how much markets had fallen, worried about a potential recession for the UK and otherwise attacked the…
August 3, 2016
When Democrats unveiled their new party platform at the DNC, it read like the mission statement from Tom Steyer’s NextGen Climate PAC.
The Energy & Environment Legal Institute first identified the similarities in a July 25 report, calling…
August 9, 2016
Donald Trump spent more than 52 minutes laying out his plans for the economy in Detroit Monday. It’s an issue voters ranked as their most important, yet ABC spent only devoted 33 seconds to what Trump proposed.
Pew Research Center reported on…