May 6, 2022
Utah State Treasurer Marlo Oaks outlined the dangers of so-called environmental, social and governance standards in an exclusive interview with MRC Business.
Treasurer Oaks (R-U.T) made clear that everyday Americans should not underestimate…
May 18, 2022
A liberal billionaire and former mayor of New York City is announcing a roughly quarter-billion-dollar push to crush coal production in 10 developing countries.
Michael Bloomberg, a failed 2020 presidential candidate with a net worth of $70…
June 9, 2022
The New York Times had the gall to publish an essay that tried to paint skyrocketing consumer prices as a good thing because it will make Americans’ diets more eco-friendly.
Journalist Annaliese Griffin praised in a June 2 write-up for The Times…
June 15, 2022
The Washington Post whined that the energy crisis isn’t “spurring a green revolution” while many Americans suffer from skyrocketing food and gas prices.
“The United States is struggling to squeeze opportunity out of an energy crisis that should…
June 20, 2022
The New York Times tried to inject a silver lining into the fertilizer shortage gripping American farmers by telling them to use pee as a substitute to help foster a so-called green transition.
Times climate journalist Catrin Einhorn belched in an…
July 1, 2022
Leftists in the media and on Twitter whined after the U.S. Supreme Court delivered victory to constitutional originalists, this time on energy policy.
The Court’s decision will limit the ability of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to…
July 18, 2022
Fox News host Tucker Carlson blasted the environmental, social and governance movement that caused total economic collapse in Sri Lanka and is now popular with Corporate America.
“ESG is the latest fad on Wall Street,” Carlson said on the…
July 19, 2022
The Washington Post mourned the legislative death of President Joe Biden’s climate-change plan after Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) reportedly sunk the proposal in Congress. The Post responded by plastering its website with two nutty stories signaling…
July 20, 2022
Fox News exposed climate czar John Kerry’s over 300 metric tons of hypocrisy — and that’s just since the beginning of the Biden administration. But not one of the Big Three evening news shows gave the shocking report any coverage.
July 21, 2022
One of the foremost opponents of woke Corporate America, Vivek Ramaswamy, joined conservative radio host Glenn Beck to smack down environmental, social and governance standards and emphasize the dangers they present to the American people.