October 9, 2020
It turns out the ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows won’t show you polls that show the majority of the American voters feeling better off now under President Donald Trump’s economy than under former President Barack Obama’s economy.
But they…
October 19, 2020
The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board just ripped apart the absurdity of “Bidenomics.”
Hint: it most definitely is not “well grounded in mainstream economics” as New York Times economist Paul Krugman would have people believe.
In an…
November 4, 2020
National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow joined Fox Business to warn Americans about the danger of another economic shutdown being imposed on the United States.
During the Election Day edition of Fox Business’s Varney & Co., host Stuart…
November 13, 2020
The liberal media and their leftist cohorts do seem to like locking down the economy, despite the catastrophic damage these measures have already inflicted upon Americans.
Liberal outlets pushed an insane proposal by one of former Vice President…
November 19, 2020
New York Times blowhard economist Paul Krugman is trying to cope with not getting the “blue wave” referendum on Trumpism he wanted out of the 2020 election.
Now, Krugman has said that a potential GOP senate majority will be — wait for it…
November 19, 2020
The Hill opinion columnist Joe Concha nuked the “marshmallow media” for consistently lobbing “T-ball” questions at former Vice President Joe Biden in the relatively few press conferences he’s held since clinching the Democratic nomination. …
November 25, 2020
The liberal outlet Politico is already attempting to shield former Vice President Joe Biden from criticism of a potential economic failure by — wait for it — blaming President Donald Trump.
The outlet’s story was pathetically headlined “Trump…
December 30, 2020
Leave it to the New York Times blowhard economist Paul Krugman to exploit the pandemic and dance on the imaginary grave of one of his oldest foes: Reaganism.
Krugman declared in a new op-ed that “The government promised to help — and it did…
January 26, 2021
The Washington Post tried to push propaganda that former President Donald Trump’s economy was terrible for minorities. One economist set the paper straight.
The Post’s story online was outrageously headlined, “The Trump economy left Black Americans…
February 4, 2021
Three economists lambasted a New York Times op-ed claiming that the Democratic Party is better for the economy than the GOP.
Times senior writer David Leonhardt’s main argument was that “The American economy has performed much better under…