February 3, 2020
Liberal billionaire Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg is whipping out ridiculous amounts of cash to beat President Donald Trump in November.
Recent Federal Election Commission records revealed that the campaign for the billionaire…
February 6, 2020
Forget the liberal media’s scrambling to throw cold water on President Donald Trump’s State of the Union Address. CNBC host of Mad Money Jim Cramer gave high praise for Trump’s economy, a major focus of the president’s speech…
February 7, 2020
The latest Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) report found that the Trump economy is continuing to pump jobs into the market. And yet, still no evidence of the recession the liberal media have been howling about.
The most recent jobs report found…
February 10, 2020
Liberal outlet The Guardian reported Feb. 10, that conservative donor Sheldon Adelson is allegedly gearing up to spend $100 million to help boost President Donald Trump and Republican candidates this fall.
The outlet used its reporting (citing…
February 11, 2020
When billionaire President Donald Trump is successful in the social media game, the left either accuse him of Big Tech collaboration or want to censor him.
Yet when billionaire Democratic presidential candidate and owner of Bloomberg News Michael…
February 12, 2020
The liberal director of The Washington Post-touting film The Post (2017) Steven Spielberg has not kept silent about his disdain for President Donald Trump, and neither has his wallet.
Liberal filmmaker Steven Spielberg and his wife Kate Capshaw…
February 17, 2020
Former President Barack Obama, touting his own economic magic wand, tried to take credit for the Trump economy.
Obama sent out the self-congratulatory tweet February 17. He said that, “Eleven years ago today, near the bottom of the worst…
February 18, 2020
No wonder liberal billionaire 2020 candidate Michael Bloomberg does not want his own news outlet investigating him. They might have to do journalism and risk exposing where his money has been going all these years.
The liberal New York Times chose…
February 19, 2020
Liberal billionaire 2020 presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg is willing to spend $2 billion to defeat President Donald Trump, and he continues to put his money where his mouth is.
Advertising Analytics, which provides information on…
February 20, 2020
Joe Scarborough of MSNBC’s Morning Joe distorted an Axios report on President Donald Trump’s economy to credit former president Barack Obama.
The show ran a segment defending Obama’s tweet congratulating himself for today’s…