February 19, 2018
The media rarely complain about deficit spending when liberals are at the helm, doling out taxpayer dollars like candy from a parade float. But once Republicans are in control, journalists can’t wait to complain.
FiveThirtyEight columnist…
September 18, 2018
It was the $40 trillion question.
And once again, Democratic candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez refused to answer it.
Like other Democratic socialists and many progressives, Ocasio-Cortez has a long list of government giveaway programs. But even…
February 20, 2019
Economist Ben Stein provided a harsh reality check of socialism, as youth, politicians and the media turn ever leftward. His criticism of socialism and the Green New Deal sharply contrasted with recent liberal media reactions.
“If the Green…
February 28, 2019
How much would a Green New Deal cost? That’s the $93 trillion question some media outlets won’t ask.
New estimates suggest the price tag of the climate and economic ideas contained in the Green New Deal promoted by Rep. Alexandria…
April 25, 2019
A $1.25 trillion giveaway program to college grads and future college students deserves scrutiny, not praise as a “bold,” “sweeping” or “ambitious” plan that could “distinguish” Sen. Elizabeth Warren…
May 24, 2019
Even CNBC's more liberal anchor wasn't thrilled with newly announced plans from Democratic candidates to tax Wall Street transactions.
Reporter Ylan Mui told Squawk Box viewers on May 23 about plans from liberal candidates Sen.…
June 24, 2019
When the left conducts polls, it’s not surprising to see how they can manipulate questions to obtain their desired results.
Atlantic staff writer Robinson Meyer on June 21 gushed how the Democratic Party has “become more interested…
June 26, 2019
Washington Post economic editorial writer Charles Lane called out proponents of socialism citing Nordic countries as a “model” for the kind of socialism they want to see replicated by America.
Because, while they are “success…
July 18, 2019
Are you a political campaigner having a tough time selling your expensive, socialistic plan? Just go on CNN, where (if you’re lucky) an anchor will tell you how you’re doing it wrong.
That’s what happened when Democratic-socialist…
January 13, 2020
A new Media Research Center analysis found that the three major network evening newscasts only gave President Donald Trump’s booming economy and U.S. trade nine minutes of coverage since the House Democrats’ impeachment push began on…