March 11, 2022
Browsing app and search engine DuckDuckGo, formerly a go-to for free speech advocates sick of Big Tech censorship, is now going to downrank sites it deems connected to “Russian disinformation.”
DuckDuckGo CEO Gabriel Weinberg tweeted, “Like so many…
March 14, 2022
Social media influencer An0maly blasted Big Tech giants Instagram and TikTok, asking whether they worked in cahoots to silence him on their platforms.
Both Instagram and Communist Chinese app TikTok both targeted An0maly for his videos on their…
March 16, 2022
A deranged Atlantic article argued that when talking about nuclear war’s likely catastrophic death toll, one should also address how it would “wreck” the climate.
The Atlantic had the audacity to publish an eco-extremist piece posing as…
March 29, 2022
Twitter, Facebook and YouTube allow seven dictators, including Russian President Vladimir Putin, unfettered access to post on their platforms, influencing approximately 50 million followers as of March 28. Meanwhile, former leader of the free world…
March 31, 2022
New York Times columnist Tom Friedman has a hot take about the Ukraine War, and of course, it involved trying to freak people out about climate change.
Friedman blurted in a new op-ed that the Ukraine War “needs to end with America finally,…
April 15, 2022
Twitter dealt harsher penalties to conservative U.S. political leaders and investigative news outlets than it does to Russian war propaganda. So, Rep. Lisa McClain (R-MI) and six other House Republicans wrote a letter to Twitter demanding the…
October 5, 2022
American Big Tech platforms Facebook, Twitter and Google-owned YouTube allow the authoritarian regimes of China and Russia to spread their anti-American propaganda and lies online to nearly a billion followers. Meanwhile, these same platforms…
November 4, 2022
People interested in the struggle for free speech, fair play, and the free market likely have seen a profusion of new reports revealing the “sides” certain social media and video platforms are choosing.
Are they aligning with liberty and honesty,…
January 3, 2023
The latest Twitter files show that the liberal media mafia, Democrat politicians and the intelligence community went on an apparent witch hunt to shut down Russian social media accounts, bringing Twitter to its knees and paving the way for the FBI…
January 12, 2023
Democrats pushed Twitter to support the Russia-Trump collusion hoax without evidence, as per the revelations in Thursday's newest batch of Twitter Files.
The accusations of “Russia collusion” (“Russiagate”) against then-President Donald Trump…