February 28, 2022
The UN’s latest climate change report tried to frighten the globe over melting glaciers on Mount Kilimanjaro. Just like Al Gore did in 2006 when he predicted those glaciers would be gone by now. The latest report warned they will still melt — only…
May 27, 2021
Climate Depot Founder Marc Morano spoke with the Media Research Center about former Vice President Al Gore’s useless 2006 eco-extremist film An Inconvenient Truth after its 15th anniversary on Monday.
The key point? Several major, disastrous…
January 25, 2016
2016 was supposedly the “point of no return” for taking action on global warming, according to former Vice President Al Gore. His tipping point received widespread scorn on the right, resulting in an “Armageddon” clock posted…
January 29, 2016
At what point do journalists stop feigning objectivity and become bald-faced activists?
Someone should ask Telemundo’s evening news reporter Vanessa Hauc.
Former Vice President Al Gore’s non-profit organization, Climate Reality Project…
May 25, 2016
To mark the 10th anniversary of the release of the film documentary An Inconvenient Truth, May 24, 2016, Participant Media introduced a celebratory campaign with the social media hashtag #AIT10, and the slogan “Share your truth.” It also…
July 12, 2016
While radical environmentalists jointly claim greenhouse gases and fossil fuels such as oil and coal are responsible for global warming and endangering the planet, there is strong disagreement among them about what energy sources are acceptable.…
December 9, 2016
Media outlets hyped former vice president Al Gore’s recent meeting with President-Elect Donald Trump.
Since becoming a full time climate alarmist Gore has earned wealth and the accolades of the liberal news and entertainment media. His…
December 12, 2016
Sundance, the left-leaning indie film festival held in Utah each January, helped turn former vice president Al Gore into the media’s favorite film star. Now, the festival is set to do it again.
A sequel to Gore’s film, An Inconvenient…
January 18, 2017
Former Vice President Al Gore still has admirers among the media, if the latest issue of The Hollywood Reporter is any guide.
Timed to the Sundance Film Festival opening night premiere of Gore’s An Inconvenient Sequel, Gore sits regally…
January 23, 2017
Critics gave former Vice President Al Gore grief for predicting in An Inconvenient Truth that major cities including lower Manhattan would be underwater if severe ice melt occurred.
Now Gore is rewriting history to claim his prediction came true in…