October 19, 2017
The Dow Jones Industrial Average surged to more new records on Oct. 17 and 18, crossing 23,000 points for the first time during a trading day then closing above 23K for the very first time the next day.
But broadcast networks minimized the stock…
November 6, 2017
The U.S. unemployment rate dropped to the lowest level in seventeen years, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ October jobs report.
The report also showed 261,000 jobs added, but ABC didn’t bother covering the good economic…
February 6, 2018
While the early February 2018 market pullback has spooked some investors and already gained plenty of media attention, it illustrated all too well the broadcast networks’ tendency to cover bad economic news more than good. The networks skipped…
March 12, 2018
February job gains came in at a whopping 313,000 new jobs, so much that NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt acknowledged it “blows away economists’ expectations.” The Wall Street Journal said expectations were at only 205,000.…
June 26, 2018
Once again, the broadcast networks have proven they care more about economic news that makes President Donald Trump look bad, than stories that make him look good.
On June 25, CNBC reported that its All-America Economic Survey found “more…
October 9, 2018
Unemployment dipped to the lowest rate since December 1969 in September, but ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows only spent exactly one minute combined sharing the strong economic news.
In contrast, just one of those shows spent more than that on a…
November 2, 2018
With the election looming, the addition of a quarter million new jobs in October, grabbed headlines. But NBC Nightly News gave more than twice as much attention to the hot topic of celebrating Hollywood’s movie rating system.
On Nov. 2, the…
February 7, 2019
Stocks “rebounded in spectacular fashion in January,” but anyone reliant on network news programming may not have noticed since the networks proved yet again to care far more about bad economic news.
ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows…
April 8, 2019
Given the very few job gains in February and rampant media speculation in March about a coming recession, it was essential that all three evening news shows update their audiences about jobs and unemployment April 5.
But not all of them did.
July 2, 2019
The U.S. officially entered its longest economic expansion ever July 1, boasting 121 straight months without a recession beginning in June 2009. This broke the previous record stretching from March 1991 to March 2001.
MarketWatch reporter…