December 8, 2015
Want to tell people that they are hurting children around the globe?
Use a pop star and a fake newscast to soften up the guilt trip.
In a video reminiscent of a bad episode of “Who Wore it Better,” pop superstar Katy Perry channeled…
December 16, 2015
In recent weeks, thousands of negotiators from 196 governments met in Paris “for a major conference on climate change” attempting to reach an agreement for every country to lower its greenhouse gas emissions: emissions climate alarmists…
December 16, 2015
In spite of the fact that Hollywood celebrities live in fancy houses, often use private planes and galavant around the world spewing far more carbon than the Average Joe, many of them love to warn about the threat of climate change.
So it was no…
February 8, 2008
Sen. Barack Obama is highly intelligent, likeable, articulate (no racism intended), dynamic, well-educated and witty. He is receiving virtually worshipful coverage from the news media.
Now imagine the Republican presidential front runner is a…
February 5, 2008
It's simple. The most competent candidate who comes closest to sharing my core values and political philosophy will get my vote as president. Nobody gets a free ante in the biggest card game of all because of race, gender, religion, or POW status.…
January 15, 2008
Jesus Christ brought change, as did Adolph Hitler. “Change” can mean many things.
Most of us won't allow a hairstylist to “change” our do without an in-depth explanation. But a lot of us are buying into undefined promises of “change” from…
September 24, 2008
Poisoned Profits: The Toxic Assault on Our Children by Philip and Alice Shabecoff. Hardcover. 368 pages. Random House. List price $26.00.
There’s a cartoon that ran in the New Yorker a couple of years ago. Two cavemen are sitting cross-…