November 7, 2012
headed to the polls Nov. 6, and for many their greatest concern was the
U.S. economic situation. Although The Great Recession ended more than
three years ago, growth has remained slow and job growth sluggish.If
we look at the recent Great…
March 15, 2021
The owner of a sports and opinion website testified Friday before a House Judiciary subcommittee that Facebook removed a large portion of its audience and new users after he interviewed former President Donald Trump about the need to resume college…
February 8, 2008
Sen. Barack Obama is highly intelligent, likeable, articulate (no racism intended), dynamic, well-educated and witty. He is receiving virtually worshipful coverage from the news media.
Now imagine the Republican presidential front runner is a…
February 5, 2008
It's simple. The most competent candidate who comes closest to sharing my core values and political philosophy will get my vote as president. Nobody gets a free ante in the biggest card game of all because of race, gender, religion, or POW status.…
January 15, 2008
Jesus Christ brought change, as did Adolph Hitler. “Change” can mean many things.
Most of us won't allow a hairstylist to “change” our do without an in-depth explanation. But a lot of us are buying into undefined promises of “change” from…
December 7, 2005
Economist Brian Wesbury has called them Pouting Pundits of
Pessimism. These are the members of the media who seem to be
focused on the negatives and cant find the positives in the
November 9, 2005
History has proven the efficacy of market capitalism in producing
wealth for the masses. The fall of the Soviet Union, the movement of
China and India to market economies, and the influx of immigrants…
October 5, 2005
In the aftermath of the hurricane destruction caused by Katrina and
Rita, much has been made about government plans for the
reconstruction of New Orleans. While this may seem to be a…
September 14, 2005
As with nearly every other major natural disaster, Hurricane Katrina
resulted in short-term higher prices and cries of price-gouging by
politicians and those who are not familiar with how the market…
August 24, 2005
Recent discussions about housing prices show confusion about what
makes for correct prices. The market sets prices that are correct
when the quantity that people demand of a good or service is equal…