March 29, 2010
29 March 2010
Editor, The New York Times
620 Eighth Avenue
New York, NY 10018
To the Editor:
Paul Krugman writes that "we used to have a workable system for avoiding financial crises, resting on a combination of government guarantees and…
March 2, 2010
News Editor, WTOP Radio
Washington, D.C.
Dear Sir or Madam:
Interviewed this morning by Bruce Alan and Mike Moss, economist Robert Shapiro explained that the "swipe fees" that credit-card issuers charge merchants each time merchants' customers pay…
January 14, 2010
Editor, Washington Post
1150 15th St., NW
Washington, DC 20071
Dear Editor:
Regarding "Tens of thousands feared dead" (Jan. 14): The ultimate tragedy in Haiti isn't the earthquake; it's that country's lack of economic freedom. The earthquake…
January 14, 2010
13 January 2010
Editor, USA Today
Dear Editor:
Helen Ashworth writes that "Our current economic crisis is worse than the Great Depression" (Letters, Jan. 13). She's wrong. By no measure - rate of unemployment; decline in GDP; length of the…
January 19, 2009
Mike Huckabee called Republican supporters of the proposed $825 billion economic stimulus package “spineless” Jan. 17.
The former Arkansas governor and host of the Fox show “Huckabee,” voiced his frustration over this massive spending plan to Fox…
January 12, 2009
In 1981, Ronald Reagan announced in his first inaugural address “In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.”
President-elect Barack Obama announced just the opposite on Jan. 8. Obama said, “It…
November 25, 2008
Free market solutions have become a radical suggestion in today’s trend of bloated government intervention.
Daniel Mitchell, senior fellow at The Cato Institute and a member of the Business…
October 20, 2008
Barack Obama has a great tax plan, at least according to one expert on CNN’s “Your Money” Oct. 19.
Allan Lichtman tried to convince "Your $$$$$" viewers that Sen. Barack Obama has the better plan during a comparison of the presidential…
September 23, 2008
After an unprecedented week of economic ups and downs, CNN’s “In the Money” reassured consumers that a doomsday Depression is far from America’s economy. In fact, the September 21 “Emergency Edition” proved to be a refreshing burst of optimism…
September 16, 2009
Editor, Financial Times
Clyde Prestowitz makes his case for higher tariffs by slaying a strawman ("Obama can help free trade with tariffs," Sept. 10). According to Prestowitz, the case for free trade rests on "the assumptions that the markets are…