February 3, 2010
Obama Submits Largest Budget in History,
But Portrayed as Fiscal
Conservative by Networks
What would you call a president who wants to spend $700 billion
January 27, 2010
Ignore Contradiction between Obama's Middle Class Giveaways,
Spending 'Freeze'
After the upset in Massachusetts last week, the Obama
administration changed its…
January 20, 2010
Companies Donate $83 Million to Haiti, Get Less Than Three
Minutes of Coverage
When tragedy strikes as it did in Haiti last week, American
individuals and corporations rush…
January 13, 2010
Fail to Criticize Obama Despite Most Jobs Lost in a Year Since
More than 4.1 millions jobs disappeared in 2009, but the network
media are not reporting the "…
December 7, 2005
Economist Brian Wesbury has called them Pouting Pundits of
Pessimism. These are the members of the media who seem to be
focused on the negatives and cant find the positives in the
November 9, 2005
History has proven the efficacy of market capitalism in producing
wealth for the masses. The fall of the Soviet Union, the movement of
China and India to market economies, and the influx of immigrants…
October 5, 2005
In the aftermath of the hurricane destruction caused by Katrina and
Rita, much has been made about government plans for the
reconstruction of New Orleans. While this may seem to be a…
September 14, 2005
As with nearly every other major natural disaster, Hurricane Katrina
resulted in short-term higher prices and cries of price-gouging by
politicians and those who are not familiar with how the market…
August 24, 2005
Recent discussions about housing prices show confusion about what
makes for correct prices. The market sets prices that are correct
when the quantity that people demand of a good or service is equal…