December 12, 2011
Doctors and manufacturers are colluding against patients and the
hospitals that serve them, according to the September 22 New York
The Times
article cited a…
December 12, 2011
Despite the fact that experts discredit any link between Hurricane
Katrina and global warming, the media continue to talk about it in
print and on at least four major TV networks.
December 12, 2011
The Washington Post and ABCs World News Tonight jumped on
childhood obesity again this week, ignoring personal choice when it
comes to eating, while NBCs Today called for Big Brother to do
December 12, 2011
The Picture of Hype
Networks show exaggerated video of
highest gas prices, hyping daily increases but glossing over the…
December 27, 2005
In the biggest, boldest weight loss challenge ever, ABC
underestimated by 143 million the number of cheeseburgers in weight
it wants America to lose.
Good Morning America and aol.com are…
December 8, 2005
A company that has lowered food prices by more than the government
food stamp program in 2005 and has donated millions upon millions of
dollars to charitable causes is a Goliath and similar to a god…
November 11, 2005
CBSs Bob Schieffer offered viewers a solution to high energy
prices that may be as plain as daylight. Yet the truth of the
matter was far different and the November 10 report showed the
November 10, 2005
With oil executives testifying before Congress, the news media
continued drilling the industry for high profits.
ABCs Good Morning America only found negative things
to say about the oil…
November 4, 2005
Are vinyl lunch boxes a cause of concern for lead poisoning?
ABCs Good Morning America warned that children might be poisoned
by their lunches in its November 4 broadcast, despite government…
November 1, 2005
In its October 31 broadcast, ABC targeted deaths caused by malaria
but bypassed a tool that has already prevented more than 500 million
additional deaths.
The networks World News Tonight…