March 18, 2008
It's Damage Control Time for the liberal press.
Count New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof as one in the media masses who have been outraged, just outraged at the supposed conservative bigotry against Barack Obama. This "most monstrous…
February 22, 2008
Since 1991, the Dove Foundation has been encouraging American movie studios to make uplifting, positive entertainment with its Family Approved Seal. This year, they've launched a new initiative, an annual awards presentation akin to the Academy…
April 2, 2010
Many – too many – red-blooded American boys grow up on Japanese video-game systems from Sony and Nintendo. Their cultural interests can extend into Japanese cartoons (“anime”) and some even discover Japanese pornographic cartoons (“hentai”). How so…
December 12, 2007
Views side by side: read MSM Misses on Mortgage Rescue by Jerry Bowyer for another view, and BMI Adviser Gary Wolfram's Econ 101: The Problem with Bailouts.
The Bush Administration proposal to assist homeowners who face mortgage resets…
January 16, 2008
The good news is that voters obviously have some desire for a better tax system. The flat has been promoted by presidential candidates as diverse as Jerry Brown (1992) and Steve Forbes (1996 and 2000). This year, the national sales tax is…
October 17, 2007
The Republican debates have been a bit of a disappointment, at least for those seeking a Reaganesque vision of smaller government and economic liberty. Even the recent debate in Michigan, which was supposed to focus on…