April 20, 2020
Could liberal billionaire George Soros be more disgusting? He’s using his super PAC to exploit the coronavirus and attack President Donald Trump and using the issue of abortion to do it.
Federal Election Commission data revealed that Soros…
Krugman Revives ‘Zombie’ NY Daily News Headline to Accuse McConnell of Telling States to ‘Drop Dead’
April 24, 2020
Liberal New York Times economist Paul Krugman needed to dip into the graveyard of famous newspaper headlines to spit childish hyperbole at Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY).
Krugman went #PeakWoke at McConnell’s suggestion that…
April 29, 2020
Multiple liberal outlets fumed at how conservative donors have funded groups who have supported lockdown protests across the country. But they avoided reporting how the left is outspending the right in this election cycle to outside groups by over $…
May 7, 2020
UPDATE: Ana Navarro responded to this story on Twitter, deflecting once again from the conflict of interest problem and instead spewed a "false accusation" against the president. Navarro said: "Damn right, I donated to @JoeBiden. I…
May 8, 2020
Did MSNBC Legal Analyst Jill Wine-Banks somehow think it wouldn’t be controversial or a stain on her objectivity to fund presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s campaign?
Federal Election Commission…
May 11, 2020
Lefty group Priorities USA Action disgustingly continues to put its billionaire funding from George Soros and Donald Sussman to dubious use launching ads exploiting the coronavirus to attack the president.
Newly released data from Advertising…
May 15, 2020
The Lincoln Project, led by anti-Trumpers like George Conway and Rick Wilson, had been asking for cash to help blast a disgusting anti-Trump coronavirus ad “Mourning in America” across the TV airwaves.
The group's pleading to…
May 18, 2020
Ads from Soros-funded Priorities USA Action exploiting the coronavirus to spit venom at President Donald Trump continue to dominate the TV airwaves.
Advertising Analytics latest “The Week in Review” report stated that another…
May 18, 2020
Liberal billionaire Michael Bloomberg has gone from “scrapping” his plan for an independent expenditure campaign to reportedly planning to spend a heap of cash to support presumptive Democratic nominee for president Joe…
May 26, 2020
A liberal dark money operation pushing “fake news” to hurt President Donald Trump in the 2020 election is pulling out all the stops.
OpenSecrets revealed that “political operations are pouring millions of ‘dark money’ dollars into ads and digital…