July 9, 2020
Catholic nuns won their challenge against the ObamaCare mandate to cover contraception. But in the NPR story, they were none. Public radio hid that the left was trying to force a religious order to violate its faith.
The Supreme Court, in Little…
February 16, 2021
The grantmaking foundation of climate change fanatic Bill Gates has still been dumping millions of dollars into the taxpayer-funded National Public Radio.
This alone should be enough cause to revoke the outlet’s public funding.
June 24, 2021
Liberal outlet Inside Philanthropy sang the praises of an extremist pro-abortion group funded by billionaires George Soros and Warren Buffett looking to revamp its baby slaughter advocacy.
Catholics for Choice (CFC), a leftist organization that…
September 16, 2021
The head honcho for liberal billionaire George Soros’s Open Society-U.S. is attacking the Catholic Church for being against President Joe Biden’s grotesque pro-unborn baby slaughter agenda.
Open Society-U.S. Executive Director Thomas Perriello…
April 11, 2023
OpenAI’s ChatGPT appears to be having a crisis of faith. The chatbot gave a shockingly affirmative answer during Holy Week when asked about the nature of Jesus Christ, before changing its answer entirely afterwards.
MRC Free Speech America asked…