June 25, 2021
The New York Times economist Paul Krugman has a knack for being allergic to the truth and is whining about how economics can survive in a “post-truth nation.”
Krugman’s latest drivel was headlined, “Economics in a Post-Truth Nation.” Krugman…
June 28, 2021
A leftist assistant professor argued that the U.S. needs to spend trillions of taxpayer dollars to fight climate change. And spending “trillions” is just the “down payment,” according to her perspective.
University of California, Santa Barbara…
June 29, 2021
The liberal media hate when big corporations step outside of the woke narrative and support congressional GOP members who thought the 2020 elections were shady.
Axios’s hit piece was headlined, “Toyota leads companies in election-objector donations…
June 29, 2021
The climate doom-mongers at The New York Times must now face the reality that their decades-old eco-Armageddon predictions were flat out wrong.
The Times screeched in a 1995 story how “some of the predicted effects of climate change may now be…
June 30, 2021
JunkScience.com founder Steve Milloy ripped President Joe Biden’s Environmental Protection Agency for filling a core committee with compromised eco-partisans. The junk science buster is vowing to sue the Biden administration as a result.
July 1, 2021
Inflation is becoming a very serious problem for Americans. The problem is so bad that even Bloomberg News admits it.
Bloomberg News underscored the issue in a new story headlined, “Inflation Eats at Surging U.S. Pay With Biden Plans at Stake.” The…
July 1, 2021
Does The New York Times ever get tired of pushing content that reeks of eco-extremism? Apparently not.
Times opinion columnist Farhad Manjoo published an absurd op-ed with a blaring headline, “Democrats Have a Year to Save the Planet.” His lede…
July 2, 2021
The U.S. Supreme Court handed a stunning defeat to the enemies of the First Amendment by invalidating a California law forcing nonprofits to disclose their largest donors — and liberals are losing it.
Chief Justice John Roberts wrote the opinion of…
July 6, 2021
Leftist billionaire George Soros is at it again. His organization pledged $100 million to spread radical feminist ideas across the globe.
The Open Society Foundations (OSF) announced June 30 that they would “invest more than $100 million over the…
July 7, 2021
Manhattan Institute Senior Fellow Christopher Rufo dropped a bombshell exposing a major U.S. defense contractor’s mission to shame its white employees and enforce critical race theory.
Rufo stated on Twitter July 6 that Raytheon Technologies “has…