April 10, 2017
The Washington Post is helping food police groups disparage pizza restaurants.
“Pizza chains are making a desperate attempt to avoid posting calories on menus,” The Washington post claimed in an April 7 article. Except it wasn’t…
April 11, 2017
Feeling sad? Coping with anxiety or “literal nightmares?” Blame climate change, claim lefty environmentalists.
“Depressed about climate change? There’s a 9-step program for that,” Fusion writer Caroline Preston wrote…
April 13, 2017
As tax day approaches, the broadcast networks have refused to report reality -- that most voters want lower taxes.
Providing middle class “tax relief” and simplifying the tax code were key elements of President Donald Trump’s tax…
April 19, 2017
Paying taxes is almost universally hated — especially on Tax Day — when it is fresh on the minds of everyone who filed their 1040.
But instead of focusing on the attitudes of taxpayers or even the amount of money the federal government…
April 20, 2017
Thousands of people have expressed interest in attending the “March for Science” this Earth Day, but internally the event was fraught with conflict and many actual scientists rejected the march and refused to participate.
April 25, 2017
For a supposedly “non-partisan” event, Science March coverage was decidedly one sided.
Following the March for Science, on Earth Day (April 22), ABC, CBS and NBC evening news spent eight minutes positively covering the event. None of…
April 26, 2017
When you love something, you can’t stop talking about it. A quick look at The Washington Post shows it loved the March for Science.
The Post published 18 separate stories mentioning the March for Science since Jan. 24, (when the march website…
April 27, 2017
Basic economics evidence indicates when taxes are cut, individuals and businesses flourish. But liberals refuse to accept that.
MSNBC economic analyst for Morning Joe Steve Rattner claimed on April 27, that President Donald Trump’s proposed…
April 28, 2017
The “People’s Climate March,” scheduled for the 100th day of Donald Trump’s presidency, claims to be a movement of the people. But is it really?
It turns out one-third of the steering committee organizations have one thing…
May 1, 2017
Better red than dead, at least in the The New York Times op-ed section. Ahead of Monday’s socialist holiday May Day, the Times ran an op-ed reminiscing idyllically on a time “When Communism Inspired Americans.”
Writer Vivian…